Realtime Biometric
3 min readNov 9, 2021


How Face Attendance system track your employees Time attendance Management ?

In a time of COVID-19 outbreak, businesses are paying more attention to effective and con-tactless methods to track workforce hours, creation of flexible shifts and payout or leaves. Also, they have to avoid the risk of contamination. A biometric-based attendance system with workforce temperature screening is becoming a more attractive solution so that workforce can work without any worries and there is no risk involved while working in an office. Every day, institutions or corporate spaces are working to increase the efficient working hours in a day. Calling out names or fingerprint scanners is a tedious, inefficient and time-consuming process so smart safety India has face recognition with a temperature detection attendance system that works well.

Face Recognition How it Works

Face Attendance machine| Face Recognition Attendance system

Nowadays, facial attendance recognition is a hassle-free and easy technique for the identification of an individual without any id card or password. The primary algorithm of technology includes 2 stages that are verification and identification. The workforce has to see a camera and the recognition system will identify the face in no less time.

A facial attendance recognition system is an effective way for workforce attendance tracking and their time based on correct biometric-based face recognition software. It is possible due to the built-in software into the tablet or computer size electronic device at the entry of the job site or office space.

Advantages of Face Recognition Attendance system:

Face recognition with a temperature detection attendance system is a contact-less attendance and real-time one that helps to track the health of your employees in the current outbreak condition. The workplace should have proper precautionary measures so that the workforce is safe and secure. Though the outbreak continues with proper measures businesses are trying to continue their functioning to make sure business continues. Under such a scenario, health, workforce and security are important aspects for the organization. Businesses are seeking methods to allow a COVID-free workstation to staff and a touch-less check-in is the first thing.

Improved security and safety:

One of the main benefits of the face attendance system is safety, security and increased authenticity. When facial attendance system is installed around the premise of the organization, it aids to check the authorized things and allows secured and safe access to the registered workforce only.

Cost-efficient face attendance management system with high-speed facial recognition:

In this new era of attendance system is decided as real-time attendance management. In this outbreak of the COVID-19 scenario, the face attendance system is accepted by the organization as a competent technology to make sure that the workstation is secured and efficient. Organizations save in investing in different devices and manual tracking is a hectic and tedious process. By selecting the face recognition system they can resolve this issue. The process becomes easy, simple and cost-efficient .

Effortlessly integration with the system:

The face recognition attendance system can be quickly integrated with other HR components such as leave or even payouts. It can rapidly scale up and process different numbers of facial IDs in an informative and organised manner within the database.


With effective reporting abilities, the management can trace log-out and log-in of workers and view the absent list, calculate the attendance based wages and get workforce personal details that can result in taking precautionary measures.

Face Recognition keys for staff management:

Automatic time cards of hours worked helps to monitor in real-time detection of missing hours and late clocking. When staff is late- it is the first thing that the employees are not working efficiently. With a biometric attendance system , real-time report managers can check which employees and which department should improve their efficiency.

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Realtime Biometric

Smart safety Power of Realtime Biometrics offers the best real-time biometric Attendance machine in Delhi NCR.